

Accepting Changes

I’m one that doesn’t like changes. I keep a pretty routine life day in and day out. There are changes but I control them so not to rock my world to hard. Those changes that are out of my control send me into a tail spin. From the beginning of this year there have been so many changes that were out of my control. Yesterday yet another change. In January my school took a big hit when one of our students...

Sunday Blog!!

Today was amazing and Blue Happy!  I just wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate you for supporting me and my blog. Next weeks blogs are all up and ready to post at 7am each morning. Have a beautiful week!!...

My Surgery Up Date

Can you believe it’s been 3 months since my leg and arm skin removal. I haven’t let you know in a few weeks as to how I’m doing so I thought this was a great time to update you. I’m so please with what Dr A did with the skin removal surgery. He is truly an artist. I’m loving my extra skin FREE legs and arms.  My legs and arms have healed well and I’m back at the gym full...