Restored Life


Digging Deep Finding The Bright Side

This wasn’t the day I had planned. I planned on creating many things that have been stuck in my head. I had all my supplies ready. Cleared my day of anything but studio time. Planned out lunch and dinner so I didn’t have to stop. All of the sudden things changed. My head is so heavy with thoughts other than creative thoughts. I’m sure you are thinking oh my what happened. Hang on and I’ll spill the beans in a...

Waco, The Emergency Room & A New Store

Do you ever have those days when you just wanna go back to bed. Covering your head with the covers seems more desirable than staying awake. Well that was my Saturday for sure.  Oh it started out pretty good with all the goodness of going to Waco.  We were both excited to add another store to the list of Blue Happy Living Adventures.  Everything looking good other than we both got out of the house without eating.  We decided we...