

7/14 Sidewalk Sale Photo’s & Teases

This Saturday is gonna be a beautiful day to get out and shop the sidewalk sale at Doc Holliday’s in Wylie.  I’ll be bringing some new things I have shown before and marking down a few that haven’t moved.  Blue Happy Living  booth inside and outside will be 20% off.   If you are on the Blue Happy Living Facebook page you can get a coupon for Saturday only that gives you and extra 5% off.  That is some kinda...

Backed Into A Corner

Sometimes everything in life isn’t perfect. Duh…….that would be most of the time if your really honest. These days my to do list is more like if I get to it list. Every day I get up start the first project and somewhere about the 3rd or 4th thing on the list I’m off in a different direction. I’m trying to learn to go with the flow but this off track thing isn’t my thing. There are days I feel...