

Giving Thanks

Today is Thanksgiving and I’m cooking cornbread dressing, yams, green beans, pasta with tomato’s and a turkey.  All of these things my mother-in-law taught me to cook.  I had no idea where to start and she took the time so many years ago to pass her dishes  to me.  I’m so thankful for that because today I cooked wearing her reading glasses and I’m using them to write this blog.  My eyes are filled with tears as I think about...


Today is the day that my students work for from the first day of the fall semester. The fall art show went off without a hitch tonight and I’m so proud to be their teacher.    Years ago when I graduated from High school I was firm on one thing I would NEVER be a teacher. God had a different plan and here I am teaching the most amazing kids art. I can’t tell you how great it is to...

The Whisper In My Ear

Sometimes the need to paint is like a whisper in my ear. I can do everything I can to avoid or ignore it but it only gets louder. I’m so busy these days and I just needed that little voice in my ear to be silent for another day. I just need to get these things done then I’ll paint. The more I ignore it the louder it gets and well it always wins. When you are given the gene...