

Never Enough Or Is It

Gym, grocery shopping, get gas, mail a package, pick up supplies, laundry, clean bathrooms, pick up furniture in Forney, stop at the Beltline/30 Goodwill store, drop off new table at Doc’s, visit with a friend that is moving, finish dining table for Doc’s and the list goes on and on and on. That list was only for my Thursday. About halfway through the day I think is there ever enough time to get it all done. Every minute of my...

Rocking My Boat

I never thought I would say this but as you get older things change. Not only physically but mentally as well. Your thoughts are deeper, year heart more open and willing. Your concerns for life are in over drive. You also take years of knowledge and start applying it to life. You learn things about yourself and how to read others. You appreciate time like never before. You start to evaluate what is important and what doesn’t fill your cup...


I find so many things on the side of the road.  I also have a great crew of supporters who text and call in when they spot furniture on the side of the road.  Most of the time it comes to me damaged and in pretty bad shape.  Repairs can most of the time be made to restore the piece to a usable item.  Sometimes only pieces can be savaged.  I never pass up anything with hardware.  If the furniture...