Long day


Loud & Clear

My trip to Waco was successful. I enjoyed every minute of it and I learned a lot. Being quiet and hearing what I needed to hear has lightened my heart. I feel a renewed sense of purpose this morning!! I got to Waco later than I thought Traffic was bad but I tried not to let it get to me. I arrived at the Silo’s and things were hoping. I wanted to run from place to place so I didn’t...

Such A Long Day

Today started early with me rising early like I always do at 4am. My plans go to the gym, home by 7am and off to school to set up my room because school starts Monday for me. I thought I would be in and out by 1:00 or 2:00 tops. The best made plans don’t work out like in our head. Well I was a little bit slow getting out of the house because I had Ethan in tow. That...