

Round and Round We Go

Storage is something that makes me tingle all over. I love the container store and if I ever won a million dollars I would be running to that store. I’m on a budget and I have to find ways to store things in my home that are cheap but have a touch of decor. This little project does just that.    Like I told you yesterday I bought a box of  items from and this wood cheese box was...

More Than a Drawer!

I was working on a project and a friend stopped by to chat. I tried gracefully to make the conversation quick but she isn’t a quick conversation gal. So I walked back to my project without asking her to follow me. I knew she would be right on my heels. I had a table set up in my kitchen because my studio isn’t quite ready for work tables yet. She continued to talk and talk but all of a sudden...

Up the Wall Organizing

I’m all about using any and all space to organize my home. Under furniture, closets, shelves even on top of tables as long as it decoratively organized. I found this Great Wall shelf and couldn’t wait to redo it. I wanted to give it a look that could be universal and usable in most any room. So I decided on cream and added  drawer pulls and hooks that would go with any decor.  The hooks on the side are...

My Kitchen is Ugly!!!

When we bought our home 5 years ago I couldn’t stand the kitchen. It was tired and had no color other than the shower tile that was used for a back splash. I started complaining a lot when my husband was around hoping that sooner or later he would give in and write the check to have it redone. It worked and I got my way. I made appointments to have several of the big box stores to come give...

Words That Inspire

In most stores these days that sells home decor are letters and words that are meant to inspire us in our homes. I love this idea and what it can mean to you on an everyday moment as you see and pass these words. I for one have several places in my home that have words that have meaning or are simply there to inspire. I love to go to my friend’s home and they have words on the wall....