

My Heart Is Heavy

This past weekend my better half went on a guys weekend.  He needed it with all that he went through this past year.  It’s only been 3 months past from the day Greg left the hospital.  I can’t believe that he is doing so well. I would have never thought he would be after his illness. Life is a funny thing one day you and your family are rock’in along and then the next day total turmoil.  Happiness is a...

If I’m Honest

Monday my favorite day of the week was not so favorite this week,  The day started with many challenges and ended with total exhaustion.  All day I tried to pull up the Blue Happy feeling but it just never appeared.  Sharing those non Blue Happy days is hard it means I have to expose my faults, moods and weakness.  No one or day is perfect and by no means do I think they will all be Blue Happy.  So I’m...