

Bucket List

This week has seemed forever long and never-ending. That is the way it always seems the week before you go on vacation. I don’t like to wish my time away but if I’m honest I did that this week. This time of year I start to feel a bit worn out from all the things I’m involved in. For years I tried not to be involved in to many things because I wanted to give my kids my time. Recently...

Pushing Through the Pain

Well todays project didn’t get done, my head was in it but my body said enough you need rest. Have you ever had so much pain that you just wanted to give up. Pain comes in many forms and seasons of our lives and we all have felt it in some form or another. I have felt the pain of disappointment, death and illness. It never gets easier but if you let it, it will make you stronger. Pushing through...


Sometimes when things come up in life that seem to be challenging or out of our little box we avoid the event.  Some of those events in life can’t be avoided like health problems, job loss, financial problems and the list goes on.  The events that we can and do avoid are those that we can choose to avoid.  That is what I wanted to do this past Saturday as the Dallas Climb approached.  You have no idea of the...

I Must Be Crazy

Have you ever heard the term “walk your talk”?  I have and this week I’m gonna put those words into action.  Having dreams are great but acting on them well that’s just power.  It’s a power that you can’t understand until you feel it.  The over whelming feeling that you are about to put into action something you have wanted to do so many times but never had the guts to just do it.  Well this Saturday I’m gonna do...