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Projects, Projects, Projects

I have been so busy with school and the art show that the projects are piling up.  Blue Happy is also very busy figuring out its next move on the game board as it prepares to move beyond the blog.  I’m learning so much about having a business and how it all works together.  I’m so blessed to have Greg and Heather in my corner or I would miss things like renewing my blog and website.  All is good and...

Epic Fail Vanity

Even the best laid plans don’t go as planned.  That was surely the case with this vanity.  I was rocking along just doing a few things here and there waiting for that first no rain day.  Well we had a few afternoons that were clear but I was a t school teaching.  I managed to get it all painted with 2 coats at different times.  I was worried about the moisture in the air but it all seemed to be...

Easy Make Artsy Tray

I love to make things for the people in my life.  My friend Janice has a beautiful home filled with amazing furniture.  She is also a do it yourself as well so making her something isn’t an easy task.  I thought about it for a long while and one thing came to mind.  I made myself a tray once out of a mix and match of things and she seem to love it.  Trays are great because you don’t have...

Exciting Announcement!!!

I’m gonna be a new Lolli come September and I’m so over the moon about this. My daughter is having another baby! We were all ask to dinner at PF Chang’s in Allen last night for the big reveal of the new baby. Will it be a girl or a boy?I seriously thought I was gonna get sick on the ride over to Allen. I couldn’t wait to hear the news. I offered her $500 if she would tell me...