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Making Changes Part 1

I’m forever changing things up. Moving things around and making what seems to be a better way of living. Recently I’m bored with my own living space and it’s time to change things up. This is how I go about making those changes so that it all works. First I let Greg know about my plans. I get the look and the ok whatever. That lets me know he is willing to put up with my idea or at least...

The Smallest Things Make A Difference

Today was high-five your teacher at school. I’ll be honest not my favorite day because of my issues with germs. My art kids know me well and know that an elbow bump is so much better for me. I love that our school takes the time to honor our hardworking teachers and celebrate us. We were served breakfast all day and I’ve heard lunch in on Wednesday followed by snack day on Friday. It really is the smallest things that...