

Watching Growth and Saying Good Bye

Wow,  just like that we are at the end of another year and saying good bye to another year.  Soon 2016 just a memory to relish and look back on.  I don’t know how you started your first day of December but I started mine watching a great play, drum line, children choir and the growth of a program to feed children fine arts. The school I teach at is small but growing.  When I started ten and a half...

Good Bye November 2016

Ahhhh the last day of November and it finally cold here in Texas.  Okay it’s cold to us when it gets in the 60’s.  Greg pulled all the fall items off the porch and packed them away in my fall box.  I make sure it all fits into one box so that I don’t get stacks of things to go through every year.  For me it’s one box, one hour and done.  Same thing decorating for Christmas on my porch....

Let Christmas Begin

I’m sure that you all shopped this past weekend.  I did from the comfort of a recline with my feet above heart level per my doctor.  I’ve finished all my gift shopping all I need now is the stocking stuffers. Not bragging because this wouldn’t have been possible if not forced by Doc A.  It’s kinda nice maybe this will show me that I wanna get things done early so not to be rushing around days before Christmas.  Well we...

Starting A New Tradition

Last weekend I was in the mood for fall. Anything fall would be nice but it’s hard to get in that mood when the weather is still 85-90 degrees on some days. I decided we would start a new tradition in our family despite the hot weather. On Saturday night we celebrated our first but not last “Fall Family Fun Night”!! What a blast we had guest included Yaya & Papaw (Janice and David), Heather, Clint, Ethan, Scarlet, Tim, Karen...

Front Porch Fall Ready

Thursday was a great weather day here in Texas. Ethan watched me drag out all my fall and Thanksgiving decor. He waited to see what I was going to do with it all. When he saw me going outside to the front porch he was so eager to help me. We started by cleaning everything up and putting away all the spring things. He couldn’t understand why I had to do all that first. “Why can’t we just put out...