Family & Friends


Words That Inspire

In most stores these days that sells home decor are letters and words that are meant to inspire us in our homes. I love this idea and what it can mean to you on an everyday moment as you see and pass these words. I for one have several places in my home that have words that have meaning or are simply there to inspire. I love to go to my friend’s home and they have words on the wall....

Friendly Advice

This week was a great week for me.  I got to have a very special coffee break with two special ladies and my grandson.  As you all know I go to the gym A LOT in doing that I have met many talented business women.  Some of the ladies have started their own business and are very successful.  I reached out to one of those ladies to meet up for coffee and she excepted.  Her blog is called skinneymeg and...

Dresser Pick Me up

   A very good friend of mine contacted me about 2 dressers she had.  She wanted them to be redone for her daughter Emma.  These dressers came from a family member and they wanted to reuse them in Emma’s new room.  This family was about to embark on a new venture, their oldest was moving off to college.  I remember when my oldest left for college. It’s sad, happy, scary and hopeful all rolled up in one big tear.     ...

Wacky Wednesday

I don’t know about you but these Monday holidays always mess me up. I thought Monday was Sunday and Tuesday was Monday! It’s just messed up! So today is Wednesday but to me seems like Tuesday. Sometimes change can set us off in a direction we just don’t want to go. I for one don’t like any change. I’m so routine I do the same thing everyday. I order the same food at the restaurant, even like to park in...


The weekend started out to be just that a simple weekend with no plans. Got up Saturday morning and the best husband ever took me to Waco, Texas.   Magnolia Market from the great HGTV show Fixer Upper was having a tent sale. By 10am we were well on our way to get in on the sale. We arrived around noon and the lines were long and it was hot. I had a blast going through all the goodies. It...