Family & Friends


Stopped In My Tracks

With lots to do today I was moving and running as soon as my feet hit the floor. I had no time to slow down and certainly no time to stop and read a text that stopped me in my tracks. That is what happened on this chilly morning in Texas. An event in your life whether it be illness, job loss, car wreck or really anything should change you. Even if the event doesn’t turn out bad. Moments and...

It’s Project Time!

This is a great Christmas project for your kids, grand kids or just for the kid that lives in your heart during the holiday season. Many years ago I did this project with my son’s class. I still have this and it hangs on my tree every year.    One of my favorite holiday characters is Frosty the Snowman. I bought all of the supplies needed at Hobby Lobby and at a very reasonable price. You will need pipe cleaners,...

Are You Ready?

Wow! It’s one week to Thanksgiving so it’s time to stage your home for the big event. If you have 4 guests or 14 guests the best way to enjoy it is to start getting ready now. Start with this weekend and do your heavy cleaning. I know cleaning is the hard part and no one wants to do it. Trust me if you do it this weekend you will be happy come next Wednesday. Make a list as to...

I Am Thankful For….

This time of year the hustle and bustle of the holiday season seems to get started earlier and earlier ever year. It’s easy to get caught up in it. I decided this year that I’m going to plan ahead so I have the time to enjoy each holiday and the process of each. Starting with Thanksgiving. Every year Thanksgiving comes and goes and all I can think about is what I need to get done for Christmas. Not this year!...

Count Your Blessings

Paris. My thoughts have been all weekend with this beautiful city. I have never been to Paris but that doesn’t matter, my heart is still broken. At this moment we are nothing more than people praying for other people. No matter the distance, country or beliefs we are all effected by what happened. When the world is turned upside down it gives you clarity as to what is important. When 9/11 completely turned the USA upside down my thoughts were...