Family & Friends


My Energy Fails Me

Well wasn’t I Miss Big Plans for today. Got up with all kinds of plans to get all kinds of stuff done. Finish 2 pieces, clean my house-top to bottom, zumba at 5:30 all after teaching my classes today. Well that plan didn’t happen at all. Oh I taught my classes and got most of my art show ready for Monday nights show. The 2 projects I planned on completing today didn’t happen nor did the cleaning my house-top to...

Digging Deep and Walking Tall

Have you ever even once in your life not gone to a party or celebration because you didn’t want people to see you? I’ve done that so many times in my life. I would miss out on life and all it had to offer because I didn’t wanna go out and be seen. I would feel fat, ugly and just to full of pain  to wanna celebrate. I would use all kinds of excuses not to be around people. Then I...

Starting A New Tradition

Last weekend I was in the mood for fall. Anything fall would be nice but it’s hard to get in that mood when the weather is still 85-90 degrees on some days. I decided we would start a new tradition in our family despite the hot weather. On Saturday night we celebrated our first but not last “Fall Family Fun Night”!! What a blast we had guest included Yaya & Papaw (Janice and David), Heather, Clint, Ethan, Scarlet, Tim, Karen...