
Reach Out

As I look forward to the next few days having no plans but to enjoy my home I’m so excited. I have nowhere to go at all, no plans and no expectations but to just relax. Relaxing to me is doing a project that I have planned in my head. It’s art that needs to have a place to show, a place to be and to become what is in my head. I thought about this project for months. I...

For Sale!

Lots of the Blue Happy Living projects were sold at the sale last Saturday. There were a few things left at the end of the sale. I’ve heard from a few of you that couldn’t be at the sale so I’m posting them on the blog today. Please message me on social media or email me at if you are interested in any of these pieces. My next sale will be in the spring. Black foot stool: $15 Great...

Peek At The Sale Items

The best part of doing this blog is shopping the thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales and auctions for project pieces.  I love what I do it has been an amazing ride being the author of all of this.  I love sharing with you how to take things that are low-cost and change them into decor for your home.  I like the idea of making the decor into organized space for your family and giving you ideas on how  to...

What Is Up At Blue Happy Living

Well it’s the last day of November and Blue Happy Living is in full preparation for the big sale on Saturday.  The furniture is all painted, the holiday gifts are stacked up for you to shop from and special snacks for our guest to munch on are in the planning.  This sale will include almost all of the projects from the blog and so much more.  We are all ready for you to come by and visit.    Beyond Saturday...