
The Blue Happy Boys Project

There is a lot to be said for best friends.  I know that I have a bestie and we all know it’s Karen.  I’m not sure when that happened it just seems like it was always that way from he beginning, Our friendship started in 1999 and has grown stronger by the years. Most of the time when you think of a best friend you think of women or at least I do.  My husband and John are best friends...

Projects, Projects, Projects

I have been so busy with school and the art show that the projects are piling up.  Blue Happy is also very busy figuring out its next move on the game board as it prepares to move beyond the blog.  I’m learning so much about having a business and how it all works together.  I’m so blessed to have Greg and Heather in my corner or I would miss things like renewing my blog and website.  All is good and...