blue happy


Doors Close Windows Open

Doors Close and Windows open is a term we have all heard many times in our lives. Life is funny that way and this seems to always play out when we least expect it. When I started this blog 4 years ago it was only a blog and express myself through art and to tell my restored life journey. I never expected to open a small business followed by adding a total of 5 stores. I love the concept of...

A Journey’s End

For years I felt like I was running in so many different direction. I never really felt like I finished anything. I always seemed so overwhelmed with life. My house was always disorganized, my marriage seemed frazzled, my head would spin with okay what next. I would try to focus on something but very soon my focus would be onto something else because I couldn’t find peace with anything. I would spend most every night crying myself to sleep in...

Believing and Faith

When both my grandmothers passed away I really didn’t inherit anything. I was given a few things from around their home’s. I was fine with that because I’m not one for material things. Both lived very simple lives and never really had more than they needed so there wasn’t loads of money to pass around. I loved them both so very much. They gave me wise advice that I’ve carried for years. When I struggled in life they both told...

Making Changes Part 1

I’m forever changing things up. Moving things around and making what seems to be a better way of living. Recently I’m bored with my own living space and it’s time to change things up. This is how I go about making those changes so that it all works. First I let Greg know about my plans. I get the look and the ok whatever. That lets me know he is willing to put up with my idea or at least...

Sometimes Things Happen

A week ago I had this great blog all ready to post. Just needed to finish up taking pictures and ready it for my IT person (my sweet Heather) to make it happen. I was so very proud of this piece and all the creativity that I put in it. It was finished up on a Friday morning so I delivered it to Doc Holliday’s late in the day. Tagged it and went about my weekend. I had the blog...