blue happy


BIG BLUE HAPPY Announcement

It’s coming, tomorrow is a really big day for Blue Happy Living. Tonight’s blog is gonna be really short.  I’m so tired I’ve been working so hard on so many new projects.  I’m not sure I know what rest really is.  There has been something every weekend start to finish.  Seems like my weeks are running together with out any down time in the middle.  This Saturday is another big day as I will be running the Hot Chocolate 5K...

Judgement At 70 Floors

We all have goals and those goals big or small are important to us.  If they weren’t we wouldn’t take the time to dream of them, work on them and challenge ourselves with them.  All through my life I’ve had many goals.  I’ve reached many of them, ignored a few of them and watched as a few of them faded into the sunset never to be seen again.  I never really valued the importance of goals until late in my...

My Upside Down Day

All day I’ve been running behind and dropped my keys a hundred times. I locked my keys in the bathroom at school.  I got lucky and Mr. Dye was still there and let me into the bathroom so I could go home.  I forgot I had promised to meet someone for lunch, dropped a full can of chalk paint and the new puppy won every battle today.  I couldn’t seem to recover my day no matter what I tried.  I...

Letting Go Is Hard

Why do we hold on to things that are material and clutter our homes and lives. As I started this year my goal was to lighten the load of material things. The less clothing in the closet the less mess and laundry to deal with. Dishes that haven’t served one scoop of food in years need to go. What about all those books that you haven’t even looked at in years. Well, they are all gone and I got a...