blue happy


The Perfect Life

These days it’s not wise to let out your true feelings and thoughts.  It is sure to get you in trouble with those that don’t believe or see it the way you do.  I’m normally not a person that talks about politics, news, religion or really much of anything other than what is safe.  These days there is so much on my mind and it seems to be spilling over.  Hold on this isn’t going to be a political bashing,...

BHL is Growing: Meet Heather

Hi, friends! I am Heather, the daughter/tech guru/social media coach/marketing coordinator you’ve heard so much about over the years. Well, I’m finally helping in a more official capacity instead of just in the frantic moment when she calls me at 9 pm because a picture is sideways on her blog. (Ha, love ya, mom!) Before I tell you more about that, let me tell you a little more about myself. Check out my sweet family! This picture is about 9...

Where Is Blue Happy

Seems like a weird question but really it’s not. Blue Happy is going in many directions. So many directions we have brought on my daughter Heather to work with us. She is the back bone to this crazy thing called my computer. I’m really not sure all she does but what I do know is she is amazing at it. I’ve had less issue and less stress over my computer. I’m truly a gypsy soul and computers aren’t in my...

Hoarders House

It escapes me how a person lives in the middle of such disorganization and does it day after day. I’m not sure what the full story is behind this hoarders home.  What I do know is I was asked if I wanted to rescue anything out of the yard and barn before the bulldozer took it down the next morning.   I was quick to answer with “what’s the address”.  I drove over within minutes to see what I could...