blue happy


All In A Weekend

This is my last week of school I’m done with classes but still have a few things to tidy up on Friday. It has been a really good year at school. We are ending the year so blessed to have been able to teach these kids. This weekend is gonna be a busy one but full of fun, excitement and parties. Graduation for Wylie Prep is on Saturday. I’m so proud to be a teacher walking in an honoring these...

Update On My Health Journey

Over the past few months I have briefly given information about my journey back to health. I started down this path in 2012 when I had my first surgery the lap band. Again Surgery in 2015 to remove the failing band and revise to the gastric sleeve. It has been a very long journey, many tears, sore muscles from hours  in the gym, with good days and bad days. I can truly say that I would walk the same path...

Shocking Difference

We get into a groves sometimes and it can blind us to what is right in front of us. I know I do that with my home. I sometimes think that things can’t be moved or used in a different way  because  it interrupts my grove. I need to remember that groves are made to be rerouted. A friend of mine was moving to a brand new home. She took this opportunity to update and give her new home a...

Friday That’s it Just Friday

Hey ya it’s Friday! I’m so looking forward to this weekend. I’ve got lots of projects planned plus getting ready for the last week of school. I’m a bit over whelmed with graduation just a week away and today is the last day I’ll have Alan in class. It’s sad but I can’t wait to see what this child does in this world! My first project of the weekend is to clean out my closet. It has become this place...