blue happy


The Most Ask Question

I get lots of question from people who read my blog. Where do you get all the ideas you have for these projects? How long does it take you to redo a piece? Why do you do this? How do you know where to go find furniture that people toss out? These are easy questions but there is still one question that I’m ask almost 5 or more times a week. Lets start with the first question. Where do I...

….And So It Begins

Today is the first day of my favorite week of the year. Art camp is in full swing and I love it. It’s four days of art projects, paint slides, paint balloon fights and so much more messy art things. I love it when these kids arrive on the first day the giggles, excitement and smell of summer fun in the air! One of the first projects we do every year is the box project. It is a great way...

Tradition Continues

This weekend was so full that I found myself coming and going. My heart is full and my eyes with tears as I watched so many special young people graduate from Wylie Prep. This event was followed by celebrating my sweet grandsons 5th birthday. What a blessing to get to watch all of these events. My daughter did a great job with his birthday.  It was so much fun and the paint party with 13 kids in my studio went...