The Smallest Things Make A Difference

Today was high-five your teacher at school. I’ll be honest not my favorite day because of my issues with germs. My art kids know me well and know that an elbow bump is so much better for me. I love that our school takes the time to honor our hardworking teachers and celebrate us. We were served breakfast all day and I’ve heard lunch in on Wednesday followed by snack day on Friday. It really is the smallest things that...

You Just Never Know

Most of the time when I buy in the Rusty By Design Auction I don’t go preview the items. I have shopped their auction house for many years, pretty much from the opening. I have never been disappointed at all. Now, I have left the auction house on pick up day and though OMG I can’t believe I got that piece for such a great price. If you are looking for a perfect piece that you don’t have to do...

Made In India Restored In The USA

So I have this friend who gave me this little cabinet. It was in excellent shape so I didn’t have to do any repairs. It was perfect in size, shape and height. I knew I wanted to work on this piece as soon as she gave it to me. It challenged my creative soul because it was so far from farmhouse style. As I examined the piece I noticed a sticker on the bottom that said “Made In India”. Things...

Building Things Up

When I start most anything that’s in my creative head I always start with the base. If I’m recreating a piece of furniture I start with a base that will support my crazy idea of what it can be. When I start an art piece on paper no matter the medium I start with an idea and a plan. I’ll admit that most of the time the idea or plan I start with isn’t anything close to the end results....

Refreshed and New

My blog is all about restoring things. I believe there isn’t anything that can’t be restored if the right effort is put into it. Restoring myself and my health at points has proven to be a challenge. I’m a believer and my faith, prayer and trust in God will always carry me through anything. I believe even the bad and not so pretty moments in your life always have a lesson to teach. Over the past week my faith and...