

Starting A New Tradition

Last weekend I was in the mood for fall. Anything fall would be nice but it’s hard to get in that mood when the weather is still 85-90 degrees on some days. I decided we would start a new tradition in our family despite the hot weather. On Saturday night we celebrated our first but not last “Fall Family Fun Night”!! What a blast we had guest included Yaya & Papaw (Janice and David), Heather, Clint, Ethan, Scarlet, Tim, Karen...

Painting Calms My Soul

When I was a child and things got stressful I painted. When I got in my teens and life got heavy I painted. This has stayed true through out my entire life. I paint to calm me to help me regroup my thoughts and to give me strength. I’m very blessed to have been given this ability. Painting can reach the deepest part of my heart and soul. It fills me up when I’ve run empty. My art is the...