

Do One For Me Please

Right before my surgery in November I rearranged the art studio at school. Sometimes you just need a change and a good clean out. I had a bulletin board on the wall that I had found in someone’s trash. Big surprise there, right. I painted it all up and gave it the Blue Happy treatment. It looked great but I never really used it. So I took it down to move things around the room. One day right after Christmas...

Going Out Of Your Way

Sometimes we get so busy that we don’t see what is happening right in front of us.  I’m so guilty of not being aware of my surroundings that it gets me into trouble.  I hate that I don’t pay attention to those I love because I’m so involved with whatever I’m doing that seems so important.  As a teacher it’s easy to see when a child in class is out of the norm.  When they aren’t their selves in the...

Out Of Control

For the past few weeks we have been running around like crazy. During the week we are both working and don’t have much time for anything else. On the weekend it’s all things Blue Happy fun and business. So there isn’t much time for cleaning, organizing or yard work. We solved the yard work thing by hiring a yard guy and my house is very clean I seem to find time here and there to get it done. Now here...

Day 4 Let’s Get Real About Health

As I said in Day 3 of my health journey blogs I didn’t do any of this to wear a 2 piece at the pool. I started this journey because my list of health issues were growing and I needed to get off that ride in order to live a long happy life. High blood pressure, sleeping issues, rapid heart rate, full body pain and the list of issues go on and on. I knew in my heart I was...