

Doctors Report No News Is Good News

Well today I went to the specialist to see if he could give me any insight on why only the left side of my head hurts. When I get dizzy it’s only on the left side and only my left side of my vision is affected when all the above happens. Here is how it went down. Well Mrs. McCormick your CT scan is clear and so is your MRI so no stroke, no tumors and no blood or vessel...

1, 2 & 3 It All Stacks Up

Has anyone ever handed you something that was a mess and said here, do something with this?  Come on you know they have. Work, church or maybe at home it’s happened to us all. You stand back and look at it thinking what in the world am I gonna do with this mess. Realizing the only way to fix it is to just dive in head first. You know where this blog is going. Yep this just happened to me....