

My Season Is Changing

Ugh, no really ugh I do not like winter. It’s cold, wet, depressing and the repeat of all that 10 times fold. I love late march when warm weather starts to arrive and things begin to blossom. It’s so refreshing from the long cold and dark winter. With out a doubt seasons will come and go each year and there isn’t really anything we can do about it. A wise man once told me there is a purpose to every...

I Found A New Treasure Place

No school today so what’s a girl to do when she needs some much-needed time away. No I didn’t go to Waco although I wanted to go. Mondays aren’t the best day to go shopping down Waco’s way. Most of my favorites are closed on Monday. The Silo’s are open but not all my junk stores. I spent the day shopping around the Dallas area and I have a new treasure place. I’ll be shopping this store every week to...

For A Brief Moment I Danced With A Hero

The passing of this last year has been marked by events in place to say good-by to what was. Events I never though as a teacher I would be a part of. In January of 2017 our school lost an amazing student Ally Hooten. To honor her a building/gym is being built. Several events were planned to honor her and raise money for this new building. One of those events was the Legacy22 5K run in September of 2017. I...