

Be Happy, Be Kind!

We all have the ability to rise each morning and decide what kind of day it will be for ourselves and those around us. Grumpy, sad, happy, or excited it’s our call as to how this day will go down. You’ve all heard the old story about the man goes to work and his boss was hateful and mean to him. The man goes home and takes it out on his wife by gripping about dinner. The wife in turn...

Mother Goose Goes New York

Four years ago my life changed forever. My daughter gave me a gift that could never be topped, my grandson was born. My life changed forever and my heart, well he owns it. Months before he was born the planning of his nursery started with a picture my daughter and son-in-law owned. It was rather large and the room was rather small. The picture was of the New York streets with taxi cabs.    The plan was to start with...

Road Trip

A few weeks ago I took a road trip that was so much fun. We traveled to Amarillo Texas with another couple Janice and David.  We got there a bit late on Friday evening and was greeted by our host for the weekend Glenda. I wasn’t so sure about a trip to Amarillo it seemed boring and it was the last weekend before school started back. I really didn’t want to spend my last weekend off in some weird town....

Treasured Light

On my way home from school one Friday I noticed a garage sale sign in my neighborhood.  I was so excited to see if they had anything I could turn into a treasure.  I pulled up to the sale and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.  I get that way when I go to sales I can’t help myself.  I got out of my car and started up the drive way to see what they had.  I...

Young Mommies

Now that I’m the big 50 I view life differently than I did years ago.  Looking back, if I knew then what I know now would my life be different? Would I have taken a different path or would I have raised my family different? The answer is yes, yes and yes to all 3 of these questions.  I wish I would have understood that the small stuff really doesn’t matter. I wish I would have heard the words of...