

It’s All Holiday Spirit At Blue Happy Living

Every year after the holiday as I take down my decorations I think next year I’m going to do something different next year. After a year passes I take out all my decorations and I fall in love all over again.  My decorations are the traditional reds, greens, silvers and golds.  I love the vintage ornaments and home-made ornaments are the best so full of love.    I’ve blogged a few times about my sweet little dog Frostie.  I got...

Peek At The Sale Items

The best part of doing this blog is shopping the thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales and auctions for project pieces.  I love what I do it has been an amazing ride being the author of all of this.  I love sharing with you how to take things that are low-cost and change them into decor for your home.  I like the idea of making the decor into organized space for your family and giving you ideas on how  to...

Pleasant Holiday Memories

Making memories during the holidays is so important to our families.  It’s easy to make those memories if we don’t put so much pressure on ourselves.  It’s not about the size of the tree or the cost of the gift.  It is more about giving of yourself and giving of your thoughts. I love to get really nice gifts for Christmas I appreciate the thought and money put into that gift.  If I had to pick expensive or thoughtful I’m...

Start The Count Down

So many things to think about this time of year and so many events to go to I get tired thinking about it all.  The shopping lists are long and the plans are many to make.  Lets all take a moment and decide what we will do and where we will go.  It’s really okay if we don’t get to it all.    The Holiday season is a time to enjoy the ones you love and not wish for it...