Waco, The Emergency Room & A New Store

September 3, 2018

Do you ever have those days when you just wanna go back to bed. Covering your head with the covers seems more desirable than staying awake. Well that was my Saturday for sure.  Oh it started out pretty good with all the goodness of going to Waco.  We were both excited to add another store to the list of Blue Happy Living Adventures.  Everything looking good other than we both got out of the house without eating.  We decided we would first load the new store and then Cameron’s Trading with all the new goodies and then have a good lunch.  I was so looking forward to some face to face time with Greg.  Our week gets really crazy.  There are days that the only time we are together is while we are asleep.  I rise so very early that Greg doesn’t even get out of bed until I’m gone for the day.


Everything was looking good for us to have that special lunch around 1:00.  We were on our way to Cameron’s to load up that store because it was empty.  There is a freight door in the back that we bring things into the store.  Greg has used the door so many times but this time he was a bit careless when he pulled opened the 2 metal doors.  Inside is a freight elevator and it was dropped to low so we had to shut the 2 metal doors so we could move the elevator up a bit.  Greg wasn’t watching and his hand was on the top of the metal door and when the 2 met together well it wasn’t pretty.  I heard the pop as it slammed down on his hand.  I thought it had cut off his fingers from the loud metal sound it made.  Basically it blew his finger open from the pressure.  No break and boy was he lucky.


We spent most of the day there and was heading home around 7:30 that night.  I’ve never felt like the drive to and from Waco was long at all but that night I thought I would never see George Bush Freeway.  When you get on that you have about 12 miles to my house.  Greg is in a little bit of pain, but all in all he is going to recover the hand smash of 2018.  It was so sweet how my friend Jill from BoHo Buffalo and Junky Monkey text over and over while we were at the ER.  Cameron’s Trading also called a few times to check up on him.  When we got into the car Greg said I’m so clumsy.  We both giggled about how we started the day with our own little plans and it ended up way different.  We finally got a taco on the way home, and it was good.


Blue Happy Living has been ask to be a part of Junky Monkey as well.  I’m so honored and excited that Jill has put trust in me to do piece for this store as well.  My creative brain is in full gear and turning in many different directions these days.  I’m so very blessed by all of this.  I love that I’ve been giving this time in my life to fulfill my dream and do this with Greg right beside me.  We are living such a blessed and full life.  I look around and I know it’s all by God’s grace we are allowed to have all of this Blue Happiness.

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