Let’s Talk Underwear

February 12, 2018

I’m in organizing mode around my house. Guess you could say spring cleaning has started really early at the Mccranch. Oh that name Mccranch was given to our property by one of our neighbors out in Lucas 20 years ago. We carried the name to this house because we loved it. I’m going room by room closet by closet and getting rid of things. What I’m keeping is getting organized, labeled and put away neatly. If we haven’t used it in the past 3 months out it goes. Woo Hoo this is so freeing and I’m in OCD heaven. I’ve decided that OCD stands for One Creative Diva!

So around my house and my studio projects right not its all about boxes.  Trust me when I say I have lots and lots of boxes for organizing so I wanted to do a few projects that would help you box things up around your house.  When they are done I’ll put them in my booth at Doc Holliday’s.  On both of the boxes I’m showing the redo was quiet simple.  I cleaned and stained the outside and picked a pop of color from the Chalk Country line for the inside.  This is an easy way to add color to any room, closet or pantry.


The first box is fantastic for putting on a shelf in any closet or pantry.  It lays flat and you can organize most anything in it.  I found it at an estate sale right around the corner from my house this past Saturday.  It has one of my all time favorite things about organizing “dividers”! This box is divided into 4 compartments.  In the kitchen pantry you could use it for packets of seasonings, snacks for the kids or even spice bottles.  I love my hubby’s idea that it would be great for a morning coffee tray.  Love that, fill it with all kinds of things for your morning coffee add two handles and Ta Da! This box goes in a totally different direction.


The second box has so much to offer.  Again I love the dividers and this one has depth so you can store lots of things.  How great would this box be in your closet to put all those flip-flops, sandals or house shoes.  Let’s talk underwear! I could see it as a sock, bra and underwear organizer.  Toys in a littles room or even for organizing their books.  The ideas are endless to how this great box can be used. It would also make a great organizer for all those cooking utensils you have in that messy drawer in the kitchen. You could even include all those long BBQ utensils that just don’t fit in the drawers.

Boxes added to your organizing gives everything a clean and simple look.  It’s easier to find things when everything is grouped together and put together.   I could go on for days on how to use boxes in a decorative way to organize your home, but I want.  Both of these boxes will be in my booth at Doc Holliday’s on Wednesday by noon.  So gather your organizing plans and head to Doc’s to pick up a box or two.

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