My Upside Down Day

January 23, 2018

All day I’ve been running behind and dropped my keys a hundred times. I locked my keys in the bathroom at school.  I got lucky and Mr. Dye was still there and let me into the bathroom so I could go home.  I forgot I had promised to meet someone for lunch, dropped a full can of chalk paint and the new puppy won every battle today.  I couldn’t seem to recover my day no matter what I tried.  I had to go to Forney to pick up things from Rusty’s auction I went the back way all country roads on the way there.  On the way back I thought I’ll go the highway to get home faster.  Big mistake road work turned a 20 minute trip into an hour and a half.  There are those days that you never seem to get ahead or even for that matter.  Today was that day for me.

I finally got home around 4:30 just to discover that the puppy took all the pillows off the patio couch and some were in the pool.  I guess he did it this morning and I didn’t see it when I put him in his kennel while I was gone.  Needless to say the ones in the pool were soaked from being in the pool all day.  I just wanted to cry I had so much I needed to get done that I felt defeated. I sat down for just a few minutes and gave myself a good talking to.  It really wasn’t that bad of a day it just didn’t go the way I had it planned.  So I regrouped decided what I could get done and what would have to be finished on Thursday.

I focused on house work because I don’t do well if my house isn’t in order and clean.  I put dinner on to simmer and turned up the music.  The house was finished by 6:30 just as Greg walked in the door from a guys trip to Vegas this past weekend.  With dinner and the dishes done here I sit blogging about a day that I thought was such a mess.  I decided to focus on the good of the day.  I spent the morning with 6 amazing young ladies at art club, followed by a short visit with my daughter and her kiddo’s.  My daughter loved her redone piano bench from yesterday’s blog.  On my way to Forney to pick up at Rusty’s auction I stopped at a thrift store.  I filled my back seat with ton’s of project pieces for next to nothing.  One of those pieces will make the blog on February the 1st as I revile something new for Blue Happy. My friend Sherri and Cindy at Doc’s made me giggle when I ran in to measure something for a customer.  I ended my day looking at a project I had planned on finishing today. The only thing I got done was sanding the top. Tomorrow or Thursday I’ll get it done and ready for my booth at Doc Holliday’s.


When you think your day is upside down, messed up and just not looking good in your favor take a moment to find the good in the messy day.  I did and now I can lay my head on my pillow with a sigh and a smile.

More about LaTonya