Sometimes in your marriage you go weeks with nothing but bliss. Other times you know that one of you are about to meet that last wedding vow “till death do we part”. It ain’t gonna be pretty but someone is going down. LOL LOL LOL! For all of you readers that send me emails on all the grammar mistakes go ahead I know the LOL isn’t correct. For the most Greg and I get along great as long as he agrees with my ideas, plans and says “Yes Dear” more than “No Dear”. Sometimes he is wrong and trust me I make sure he knows but I always offer proof of his mistakes. I also make sure he see’s the proof many times so he knows I’m not just making it up. Again LOL LOL LOL! We really do have a very blessed relationship. We love to tease each other and give each other a hard time. I think that is why it has lasted 31 plus years, because we can laugh and each other and ourselves.
A few weeks back at an estate sale Greg spotted this little table. I thought it was pricy so I passed it up. Next thing I know Greg has it in hand, purchased and in the back of the truck. We argued about the price all the way to the next sale. I told him it’s nice but I wouldn’t have paid that price for it. To be honest now I can’t even remember the price. I’m sure it’s in that trusty little computer of his where he keeps everything. Greg is worlds best bookkeeper. To a point of driving you crazy over keeping better records. In my defense I’m an artist my head doesn’t do that bookkeeping thing well at all. There is another one of those blessing he adds to my life.
When I started working on this oh so cute little table it had a few issues. Tons of scratches and scuffed on the top and down the sides. Once I sanded away the clear finish from the top I found an oil stain. You can’t remove oil stains from wood it soaks in deep and it’s there for life so you have to design around it. I stained the top in dark walnut and then added a stencil using the same color as the base. I love this look and the way it adds so much to the piece. The bottom half of the table was done in Chalk Country Polished Turquoise. I let it dry and sanded it back to give it that worn shabby chic and vintage look I so love.
Okay somehow I was wrong! How in the world did I pass up this beautiful table. I’m such a cheap person that sometimes that gets in the way. I can’t see past a price tag to see the beauty in front of me. Oh well now my next task is to keep Greg from reading this blog and know I admitted I was wrong and he was right.