Will It Last Forever?

October 5, 2017

So many things in our lives are disposable these days. Nothing is made to last anymore as we become a society that takes no stock in the long life of what we purchase.  We buy for the moment in most cases with no thought of years down the road.  Years ago families had the same dresser that their parents started house keeping on.  Furniture was passed down for decades from family to family.  None of this buying new stuff every few years or so.  On my regular trash trolling I find metal pieces.  Most toss them out because they had water stains, rust or scratches.  Metal pieces are one of the most reusable pieces out there.  Metal can take a beating and still make a come back.

Although I didn’t find this metal piece in the trash I did buy it pretty cheap at Rustysbydesignauction.com my all time favorite. I have a storage unit full of metal pieces that no one wanted anymore and tossed in their trash.  We have curb pick up in out little town every Wednesday.  The city calls it bulk pick up day but I like to call it treasure day.  Anyway back to this great metal piece I found at Rusty’s.  This table I’m sure was a 70’s design it has that mod hip kinda feel to it.  The edge and the top had plastic weaved all through it.  At one point the plastic was clear but when I removed it this week it was very yellowed.  I cut and weaved it backwards through the table until it was all gone.  It was very dirty so a good old scrub down in the back yard did the trick.  I let it sun dry for a bit and then the art party began.

When painting metal you have to make sure that you use a spray paint for metal, other wise you will get peeling and flaking. I lightly sprayed the table starting with the underneath first.  I let it dry about 20 minutes between each spray.  I make sure the underneath is completely finished before I turn it over to do the top of the table.  It took 4 light coats to get an even and smooth finish.  The table has a hammered look to the surface so I knew I could make it special.  Once the table was dry I took my trusty little sander to the table and sanded every inch of this table.  You can see in the pictures how great it came out with the sanding.  It’s now ready for many more years of life.  Plant stand, small table or an entry table what ever home it goes to it will serve them well.

This table is already at Doc Holliday’s tagged and ready to go 113 S Birmingham Wylie Tx. 

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