When I got sick last Wednesday double vision was the first clue something was up. At first I thought my contact went sideways but nope my vision was less than perfect driving to school. I’m so glad that has cleared up. I drive bad enough with good vision. Add bad vision and well that might make for a bad combination.
Most of the time we all look at things with single vision. Not the way I was looking at things when my dizzy ride to school happened but by the way we look at things around us. We see things around us the way we want them to be or how we feel about things happening around us. There is always two sides to all events in life. I’m honest enough to say that I’m guilty of not having double vision when it comes to my feelings and seeing both sides of a problem. When something happens or someone offends us we see our feelings, our way and our opinion. When in reality we need to open our heart and see both sides of what is going on. As a teacher when kids in my class have issues I must have an open mind and see both sides of what has happened. If I don’t someone doesn’t get a fair shake. Sometimes there isn’t a balance on the outcome but at least I give both side a fair chance at explaining themselves.
Recently I have watched as a problem unfolds around me. I wasn’t involved but I had a front roll seat and boy has it been one-sided by a few people. I wish I could go into detail but by doing that my opinion would be implied and put me on one side or the other of this issue. What I do know is that this issue is defiantly beginning viewed by a few very one-sided. They aren’t even trying to look at why the decision were made. They are standing firm they were miss treated. I’m sure they feel they were but did they look deep into the reason this all happened. Did they give the other side a chance. Instead of looking at things with double vision they set out to pull as many people to their side. When you are offended and there is a problem you need to make sure you look within yourself. There is always two sides to every story and you need to find peace in owning up to your part. If the other side doesn’t at least you are with a clear heart on your part.
In the mist of all this I found a project that seem to fit what I’m talking about. There is nothing more double vision than a mirror. This past weekend my son Dallas texted me his in-law were having a garage sale. He sent all kinds of photos and ask if there was anything I wanted. In the back of the photo I spotted and old dresser mirror for only $5, what a deal! I still wasn’t feeling good so Greg drove me over to get it. It was an easy redo while I sat at my kitchen table. A couple of coats of Chalk Country paint in Navy , drying time and sanding back the edges. I finished it off with a couple of coats of defender. It already had hanging hardware on the back so I tagged it and it’s all ready to be delivered to Doc Holliday’s Wednesday at lunch. What a great mirror for your bathroom, bedroom, hallway or entry way.
Open your eyes to both sides of things even if it hurts to look with in your own faults. Sometimes we grow most when we admit we were a part of what went wrong. Opening your heart and being humble is such a fulfilling part of life.