We need to face it, the holidays are just around the corner. As of this Sunday, Thanksgiving is 7 weeks away. Before you know it that 7 weeks will pass and you will be shopping. Now is the time to prep your home, make a plan, invite guest and decide how November and December will play out. Me and my planning and preparing, it’s how I roll. I like to start with a list of things I want done around the house. Then follow that list up with a list of guest and Greg’s all time favorite what to shop for and what to buy. I want bore you with my to do list as of yet because I will do them and redo them over and over again until I have eliminated what I want to do and what really needs to be done. These two list are very different in size and one is unrealistic.
One thing I love to do is dress my table for both holiday’s. It’s a little bit calmer at Thanksgiving but still I love to make the table the center of the celebration. Having a special dish or tray is where I always start, then I add other special things around it. Candles are so important to have burning with those special fragrances that fill your home with smells of the holiday. For Thanksgiving I love something with spice and for Christmas I love a cookie smell. I don’t bake so it’s cheating I guess, but oh well it smells good. This year I think I’m going to add framed photo’s of my friends and family. Maybe things that happened throughout the year. I love my Christmas Eve party and spending it with all my sweet friends. I just finished this tray and I’m working on several other trays to put in my booth at Doc Holliday’s Emporium. Starting November 1st all trays in my booth will be 20% off. Most of them range around $14 before the discount. I’m not trying to get rich I just want you to have a center piece for your gather table.
This year I’m in search of a new Christmas tree. My old tree of 15 years left more trim on the floor this past year than it had on its limbs. I’m also down sizing my decoration stash and sharing it with my daughter and daughter-in-law. Passing on the things that my children loved as a child to share with their own children. There is so much of it and I’m almost embarrassed about the amount of decorations I have collected over the past 31 years. It’s time to share and have less to pack away.
The Holiday’s are so special and we need to get back to loving and sharing them once again. There are so many people in the Texas and Florida area that will be without Christmas this year due to the hurricane’s. This is a chance for you to serve someone else that needs a hand up this holiday season. I encourage you to pick a gift of serving. Try to find a family or a program that you can give to that is more than writing a check. Stand in the middle of someone else’s pain and try to make it better for them. Give thanks for your many blessings and give someone else a holiday of blessings. The best feeling in the world is giving to others.