Okay if you read my blog you know my happy place is Waco. The Silo’s, Heritage Homestead, Junky Monkey just to name a few of the great places in Waco. So with tonight having the big customer appreciation party at Doc Holliday’s Emporium I thought why not bring you a little of my happy place. So I went to the gym did 3 miles and at 6 am hit the road to Waco. Not just to Waco but to the Silo Bakery. I’m on my way back to Dallas with 6 doz. Silo cup cakes in the back seat of my Blue Happy truck. The employees were extra sweet and loaded up my truck for me. These are amazing cup cakes y’all. If anything make it tonight just to get one of these babies!! Short blog today much today for tonight. Enjoy these photos of my adventure this morning. The party is come and go 6-8 113 S Birmingham Wylie.

August 31, 2017You did it!!! Love the pictures! I love how peaceful it is at the Silos so early in the morning!
August 31, 2017Yep and back in record time. It was really hard to drive to Waco and not stay for a bit. Really tested my control.
Melissa R.
August 31, 2017It was a pleasure meeting you this morning in the bakery. So cool to see our pic in the blog 😊 I’m the one in the middle. Hope everyone enjoyed the cupcakes.
August 31, 2017They loved them so much. I love that you guys are so very friendly at the bakery. My party was a success. Tomorrow’s blog will be all about the party and the cup cakes. Thank you for sending me a message. I think you are so lucky to get to work there. Maybe when I retire.