The Most Exciting Day All The Art Comes Back

April 19, 2017

Today is the day! The day I and many other teachers look forward to. All the Chairs sent home in January are coming back to Wylie Prep art studio. I arrive at school really early so I’m there as the chairs come in. I get so excited to see how their creativity comes out on the chairs. One by one they flow into the room. So many chairs this year, the art room will be crowded until the show. We are surrounded by creativity and excitement and the show is just 3 days away. Oh how this art teacher looks forward to the spring show.

These chairs are all donated to our school over the year.  They hang at the top of the art room on the wall until they are needed.  If we get more chairs than we have hooks we fold up the metal chairs and sit in the wood chairs.  I’ve never had to purchase chairs, somehow they just show up.  It’s always funny when we get to school and there are chairs sitting at the art room door the kids always say “It’s a God thing Mrs. McCormick”.  I’m sure they are right.

This art show is going to be full of the most amazing work done by amazing kids.  They all work so very hard and allow their talent to show in each and every piece.  At the beginning of the year a few of them entered my class proclaiming “I’m not an artist at all” but then it happened.  They let go of the “I can’t” and let the creativity go right onto the paper or canvas.  The pottery this year is funny, stunning, beautiful and quirky.  No art is the same even if we did a group project somehow they expressed themselves.

I’m so proud of these kids and how they have changed over the school year.  This year has been a challenge and you can see some of those challenges in their artwork.  Art is more than crayons, paint, markers and clay.  Art is away to express your feelings no matter what is going on around you.  Your skill level is important when you are expressing yourself.  You never know you might surprise yourself and turn out a master piece.   I hope you enjoy these photo’s of their chairs.  It’s not all of them more to come next week. 

Have a Blue Happy Wednesday evening and enjoy these art chairs. 

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