Day Two My Work Out

March 14, 2017

I started this journey when I was 47 I’m now 51. In 2012 I weighed in at 303 pounds and there wasn’t any working out in my daily routine. As a matter of fact I could barely make it through my day without pain and misery. I was dragging myself through life everyday with no light at the end of my tunnel. Pain was some days more than I could take. I was taking Advil like candy every 3 to 4 hours. Getting out of bed seemed impossible in the mornings. I came home from teaching and took a nap just so I could get the energy to get up and get ready for bed.

In March of 2012 I joined a local all ladies gym. They sent out a special to join really cheap and I was so ready for a change. I would go to the gym and start on the treadmill for about 10 minutes, then off to do a few machines that led me back to the door. I was there about a total of 20 minutes. I hated it! I knew a few girls at the gym and they were always trying to get me to come into the classes. No way was I going to embarrass myself like that and make of fool of myself.

Well lets jump ahead a few years and here I am going to the gym 5 sometimes 6 days a week. I’m the proud member of the 5am club and love it. I also go to the night classes after I’ve been there in the morning. Why would I do that, because it is what fuels me in the morning to move through my day. Early morning workouts clear my head and wake me up. So what do I do at the gym during all those hours.  I take a lot of the classes like Body Pump, Cycle and what ever pops into my scheduled time at the gym.  I also work out on the machines several times a week always followed by ads and stretching. 

It’s hard to walk into a gym and join and lets not even think about the pain of working out on your own.  I remember those days and they were the hardest on me.  I wanted to workout just didn’t know really where to start.  I was afraid that people were watching me and making fun of me.  Trust me no one really cares what you’re doing they don’t even see you.  Push yourself to go and you watch the women around you.  Taking a class is a great way to start and make friends.  Making friends at the gym is key to staying at the gym and making it part of your life style.  I have a family of women that I dearly love and they keep me on track.  I don’t want to miss out on seeing them so for me going to the gym is social.  If you are a stay at home mom most gyms have day care.  All the other ladies there during the day are just like you moms.  Smile, say hello and before you know it you will have a gym family as well.

My best advice is google workout plans for beginners.  Watch video’s and read online about area’s of your body you want to work on.  I do this often it has helped me control my workouts so they aren’t all over the place.  I have leg day, arm day, back day and always ads.  Stretching is so important.  At first I didn’t do this but quickly learned how important it was for sore muscles.  Cardio is just as important and you have to find the class or machine that works for you.  I hate the treadmill but love the stair climber.  Finding a balance between cardio and lifting weights is another key to success in the gym.

Working out is a very important part of my life.  It took time to build the love and need for gym time.  I did this by being consistent and when something didn’t work I found something else.  I didn’t buy into the matching outfits, I wear what makes me feel good.  I don’t let others pressure me into taking a class I don’t like.  Most importantly I don’t care who is looking and watching because I’m there to workout and get healthy.  Give yourself the permission to get healthy start slow at the gym and gain your self-confidence.  I started with one class Body Pump on Monday nights and slowly added to that.  Before I knew it I was running my first 5K and doing the Dallas Climb 2 years in a row. Now working out makes my life Blue Happy and that is what I hope for you.

More about LaTonya