Pots, Flowers & Stress Release

April 7, 2016

I’m tense and over stressed these past few weeks. With the end of school coming at me fast. Having a moment to myself is hard to find these days. On Wednesday as I left the gym for the 2nd time in that day I felt like I needed to stress release a bit. When I got home and opened the garage all my beautiful flowers seem to wave at me. Yes, there is my stress release I’ll do the flower pots on the front porch. 

I already have my pots that I’ve used for many years. Most of these pots have traveled with me from my Lucas home to the rent home and now here. Flowers give your front entry to your home a happy feel and welcomes those that come to your home. My porch is covered so when picking plants they have to be no direct sun light. The large pot by the edge of the porch gets some sun light so parcel sun light plants will work as well. I like to mix and match plants so it gives it height and a variation of color. You don’t have to  use plants with flowers but plants with different leaves and shapes. This makes the pot interesting and fun to look at.

The big pot by the porch edge is very large.  It is a clay pot that is glazed dark gray on the outside with a small detail design around the top edge. This year our Texas winter was very mild so a few of the things from last year survived so I just added to it.  I start by putting the tall plants to the back and build forward with the smaller plants. Adding a vine that will hang off the edge of the pot gives it movement. I like it to be a bit whimsical so in comes the white metal bird perched on a stick.

The tall plant stand by my front door only gets filtered sunlight so these plants needed to be for that type of light.  Starting with the big pot on top I placed plants from the tallest to shortest back to front.  This pot didn’t get watered after I went inside for the winter so no plants survived oops! The plant stand has 3 small arms that will hold small pots.  I purchased already done succulents in cut pots to place here.  The lady at Lowes promised it would be enough light for these pretty little pots, so I’m hopping she is correct.  I finished off the top pot with a little blue bunny.  I use to only sit him out at Easter but why not all the time.  He is very Blue Happy to look at.

It worked, planting the front door pots helped  me.  Sometimes we need to just step away from out regular craziness and do something that we want to do that relaxes us.  I feel so much better after finishing my front door pots.  My front door seems happier now and ready to welcome guest.  Thursday is your eve to Friday and your weekend.  Make some plans that will me you relax and enjoy life.  After all we only get this weekend once so spend it wisely and enjoy it.  Hoping you have a Blue Happy Day!

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