Engagement Party Time

April 29, 2016

Planning a BBQ is one thing but planning an engagement party is a whole new monster. I’ve never been the host of this type of party but there is a first for everything. I’ve been directed  in other places that this party got left to the side a bit. So I have spent all my extra time this week planning and shopping for the big party.

The cake is bought and it’s so pretty that I don’t wanna cut it.  This is a bit of a hard group to cook for because of all the eating issues.  Attending the event will be meat eaters, vegetarians, celiac non gluten people and several of us that have the sleeve.  Really cooking for all this is interesting but never the less fun.  It’s a Mexican theme with all the fix’ins of a great meal.  To top it off we will serve margarita’s for those of age.

Dallas and Ali have been dating for almost 6 years.  Thats amazing if you look at their ages 23 and 21.  They met when they were both in high school and stuck it out through some pretty tough moments in life.  Recently they had to deal with both their cars being totaled when the Base ball size hail beat up their cars.  I was so up set but they never really seemed to worried.  They went through the process of getting their cars claimed and replaced with out really any up set.  I’m a mom so I can say this they both have lots of growing up to do, didn’t we all at that age. I do see them changing at every turn of events.

Being young and in love is a special time in life and one that you will remember forever.  I hope that they slow down and take the time to enjoy their wedding and don’t rush to just get it over.  Spending time planning and waiting on that special day is just as important as the day it’s self.  Photo’s are great but those heart-felt memories are so special.

Having this party is to let our friends and family know that we are in support of these two kids getting married. I had a friend tell me once treat your future daughter in law the way you wanted to be treated.  Words of wisdom that are heart-felt.  I’m demanding, controlling and at times pushy but I do it all out of love for my kids.  I love from the deepest part of my heart.  I’m gonna make mistakes as a mother in law but I will always say I’m sorry.  I look forward to getting to know my future daughter in law and I hope she will do the same.

I will post pictures of the party and give a short blog about it next week.  I wish the best for these two in their future and may God bless them with a long marriage.  I hope that your day and weekend are Blue Happy and full of blessings.

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