Pleasant Holiday Memories

December 2, 2015

Making memories during the holidays is so important to our families.  It’s easy to make those memories if we don’t put so much pressure on ourselves.  It’s not about the size of the tree or the cost of the gift.  It is more about giving of yourself and giving of your thoughts.

I love to get really nice gifts for Christmas I appreciate the thought and money put into that gift.  If I had to pick expensive or thoughtful I’m positive that thoughtful would have to be my favorite gift.  I love when my daughter gives me a framed picture of my grandson or a student gives me a tin of almonds because they notice I eat that everyday for my morning snack.  One year my husband gave me a pair of hot pink running shoes because I had just started my health journey.  These are gifts that I know they thought about me and what I wanted and would love.  When gift giving, think about that person and what is important to them and what will show them that you thought about their heart.


Holiday decorations are just that, decorations.  By no means do the decorations make your holiday more or less than it is.  If you live in a small home or live on a small budget that shouldn’t affect your holiday spirit.  My daughter’s little family lives in a small apartment while their new home is being built.  My daughter was worried about not being able to have a full size tree and how she could make it work at all with a tree.  We shopped an estate sale and found a great pre-lit tree that was tall and skinny.  She did an amazing job decorating this little tree on top of a table.  She placed a few other decorations around the apartment and TADAAAAAA she gave their little home a great holiday warmth.


We all put way too much pressure on ourselves to have everything just like we see on TV or in the advertisements when all we need are the ones we love, our friends and the true meaning of Christmas in our hearts.  It really is about giving during this time of year.  I encourage you to go to a local store and pick a tag off a tree and buy a gift for someone who needs a gift.  The feeling you will get will last way longer than any gift you will get.  Giving an old coat to a coat drive, can goods to a local food bank or purchasing a gift for a person on a gift tree these are all things that are simple and easy to do.  The value of any of these acts of kindness are truly the meaning of Christmas.


So as we start this new season of holiday memories keep in mind what is really important to look back on in years to come.  I’m planning on making memories for others by giving gifts that will change someone’s holiday and give them a good memory.  I hope that I can make them have a Blue Happy holiday and I hope that you can spread a little Blue Happy holiday as well. I hope you find your Blue Happy holiday memory.

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