What a day! It’s hard to come back from a trip in the middle of the week. Everything seems off and out of whack. The kids were all happy to see me with lots of smiles, hugs and hellos. I loved the feeling of being welcomed. To say everything is all Blue Happy would be a lie because all is not well in my little Blue Happy world.
I’m frustrated with people passing judgement on other people. I have many friends and know lots of people who come from many different places in life. To have some one decide they don’t like you or your family because of your faith, job, family or even the home you live in is nothing more than their selfishness. None of us have the right to try to make someone else’s life miserable. I know there are people in this world that wake up each day just to make others miserable. WHY? I don’t understand, why not support and be blessed? You can be friends with all the great people in your life.
I’m not perfect and I too have passed judgment on a few people and now regret it. I can only tell that person I’m sorry and hope we can move forward with all that behind us. But there are people in this life that are just bullies. I recently have had my life bullied to a point I just want to pack up and move to the country with no neighbors. How dare a person sit in their home and try to find ways to make their neighbor’s life miserable. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to be kind to others. If you are angry with someone and you get all worked up you leave that moment feeling uneasy, upset and tense. If you are kind and loving to someone you leave that moment happy, calm and blessed.
Why do we wake up daily and make drama for ourselves? I don’t know. With my husband’s recent illness it has put things into perspective for me. I just want to live my life with happiness, no more drama and be a blessing to those I see daily. I can only say that when you are rude to someone to their face or behind their back it only makes you look bad. What I once thought of a person in the past has now come to light what kind of person they really are because of their actions. It’s a disappointment to say the least and I’m really quite disappointed. What I once thought was a classy couple turned out to be not true. They have been sneaky!
Okay all of this seems very odd I’m sure but I said all this to make a point that how we conduct our lives affects others around us. I can’t sleep if I know that I’m causing someone else a restless night. We all need to wake up each day and be a blessing to others. I’m pretty sure God didn’t plan a life of misery and hatefulness for us all. We need to give a helping hand to our neighbors instead of peaking through the fence to see what is going on in the back yard behind a 10 foot high fence. My BFF Karen said it best “stay in your own lane” and “keep your eyes on your own paper”. Love her so much!
So how to move past this long restless night and early morning of worry over what has happened? I’m giving it to God in prayer and letting him take the wheel on this one. I can’t spend valuable time worrying about a rude neighbor that has such a poor life that they have to cause trouble for others. The best quote I could find for this blog was this: “No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything”. Go out in today’s world and be someones Blue Happy!