Be Happy, Be Kind!

September 4, 2015

We all have the ability to rise each morning and decide what kind of day it will be for ourselves and those around us. Grumpy, sad, happy, or excited it’s our call as to how this day will go down.

You’ve all heard the old story about the man goes to work and his boss was hateful and mean to him. The man goes home and takes it out on his wife by gripping about dinner. The wife in turn gets grumpy with the kid and makes him clean his room and get ready for bed early. The little boy is so mad he kicks the dog while putting him outside. The dog then chases the cat up the tree because he is so mad. Anger leads to more anger and if you aren’t careful it can spill over into your life in all different directions.

I believe we should all show kindness to each other instead of trying to one up each other or make someone’s life difficult. A friendly word goes a lot further than words that take a person down. When you go out of your way to change someones life because of your anger it only causes more problems, it only moves in a negative direction.

When I started Blue Happy it was and still is my intent to put a bit of happiness out there in this world. To make sure that my blog was a place to read about ways to better their home for happiness. I’m aware there are lots of blogs out there, I’m aware that I’m a little fish in the ocean but Happiness is happiness no matter how big or small.

Today was a tough day. It was not so happy for me. My day was controlled by someone who can’t be happy so they unloaded it on me. I have spent the better half of my day fighting for my happiness but it seems the other person will win. They win by one standing rule in their favor, they won not because they had the rule in their favor but because they decided to drag me down with their unhappiness. I’m admitting defeat but only for a small moment. I’m stepping back, loading my heart with prayer, and then watch out. I’m coming out all prayed up and ready to bring on the happiness. We all need that moment to lick our wounds and prepare a defense. I’m not a person at all that lets things get me down for more than a day or two. This one cuts deep, changes plans and dreams that were in place for a while, but I’ll bounce back. No time to lick the wounds because the back up plan is in full swing in my head.

I really can’t say much about the details but I will tell you it’s over. I’ve learned to watch my back to protect my happiness and what I’m trying to do here. This will not define me; it will only make this Blue Happy girl stronger. For those people out there that strive to bring down the happy people in this world just go away cause I’m not going to be a part of that.  I’m looking forward to many more Blue Happy Blogs and next week will be a great week of Blue Happiness!   Go be Blue Happy!

More about LaTonya

    1. Amen sista! So true and so glad you used your circustance to uplift us and to encourage us to stand strong and be bold in maintaining our positive perspective. Sending many thanks in my prayers for your words today. May I keep them in front of my thoughts and actions today.

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