Young Mommies

August 31, 2015

Now that I’m the big 50 I view life differently than I did years ago.  Looking back, if I knew then what I know now would my life be different? Would I have taken a different path or would I have raised my family different? The answer is yes, yes and yes to all 3 of these questions.  I wish I would have understood that the small stuff really doesn’t matter. I wish I would have heard the words of all the older but wiser people in my life and I wish I would have stood firm on my beliefs and not given into the pressures of those around me.

I’m a teacher and everyday I see tons of young mommies racing from here to there and back just to cover all the things that is expected of her.  Most of these beautiful ladies have frowns on their faces, are very emotional and just look frazzled. The smallest thing sets them off, upsets them and becomes so big it leads to a melt down.  This has nothing to do with their character it has to do with the fact that they are expected to do it all.

Clean the house, pay the bills, keep up with the kids, grocery shop, be a loving wife, be in Gods word daily, work and the list goes on and on.  On top of all that, mommies are expected to look good, never get sick and always be happy.  Are you kidding me? There isn’t a man or woman on earth that can do this everyday and keep it up.  I know I’ve tried and while I do pride myself on getting it all done and never miss a beat I get tired and weary and things fall to the way side.

Take the time to get organized. Make a list of the things that need to happen in your week or month.  Some find it easier to do week to week planning where as some like a month at a time. You need to have a calendar on your phone or in an organizer whatever works best for you.  Each day you need to look at this and be able to see your day and what it holds.  Yes sometimes things can get out of synch if a kid gets sick or you have car trouble.  What ever comes up you will be easily  back on track if you have a plan for that day.

Shed, shed and shed some more to get your home organized.  This is no easy task getting your home working for you and not against you.  Start in the most used room in the house if ya don’t need it get it out of your house.  Donate, sale or toss it! This should be the method in every room.  If you have clothes in your closet that you will have to lose more than 5lbs. to wear it should go.  Now if you have a big house and a guest room you can store clothing in by all means go for it store away. Kitchens have dishes and appliances that go untouched for years.  Get it out of there and into someones hands that can use it.  The big problem area is most likely the kids rooms.  I promise even if they don’t have 10,000 toys under foot they will grow up normal.  Kids don’t need all the stuff in their rooms.  Try this, give them 2 large plastic tubs tell them if a flood was coming and they had 30 minutes to pick their favorite toys what would that be. You will be shocked at what they pick and how quickly they could do it.  The rest of the stuff should be donated, sold, or tossed it’s that easy.  You will never have to pick up all those toys again or yell about them being picked up.

Life is short if you don’t want to be going to sports events and your child isn’t really into it then don’t.  Doing things that add no value to your family only take away from your life.  Playing a sport because it’s what is expected means you are following other’s hopes, dreams and plans. Have your own hopes, dreams and plans even if you are stepping out of the box a bit.  It feels good to be you and do what you want. You need to apply this to everything, including sports, play groups, and really anything that is set in front of you each day.

Today is Monday take the time to make a plan for the week.  You really should make a plan starting on Sunday so you know what is ahead and when things arrive unexpectedly you aren’t  fazed by it.  You look at your calendar and say “yes we can” or “no we already have plans.”  Even though I’m a mom of grown kids I still have a very active place in their lives.  I make a plan to see them, have them over for lunch dates plenty. Without a plan my week would be crazy. I would forget things and nothing would get done.  It took me years to figure this out I wanted to share this with you young mommies.  I guess I’m now one of those older but wiser people.  For those friends that are also older and wiser it’s never to late to get organized.  Organization has made my life Blue Happy and yours can be also.  So go organize your Blue Happy Life!


More about LaTonya

    1. You have sent a great message not just for young moms, but also for us old gals!

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