Mondays for most people are without a question one of the hardest days of the week. This rang true for me so many years. I would live for Friday, love Saturday, stress over Sunday because it was almost Monday. All the days in between were spent waiting on Friday. Oh my goodness what a terrible circle to get into. I pretty much hated life I never felt relaxed enough to enjoy my family, friends and home. It has been a long journey to get to the point in my life where Mondays are the best day of the week. Yes you read it right Monday is the best day of the week.
Everything from family, kids, money, work, school and the list goes on and on seems to pile up on us. I was no different but I had the added need to also have my house perfect all the time. Sleep was not something I got a lot of those days. I would stay up to the middle of the night cleaning go to bed sleep maybe 2 hours and get up and start it all over. I never realized the damage I was causing to my health, weight and body. It just never seemed there were enough hours in each day. I was so unhappy I couldn’t put my finger on it WHYYYYYYYYYY? I didn’t do anything about it I just kept on running the same path hoping I’d find an exit that lead to a happier place.
Weeks lead to months then years being unhappy and faking it as if all was good at the McCormick house. I was so tired my weight was climbing and my body was tearing down. Both my kids were growing up and soon would be moving on in life, this too made my heart break. We made the decision to sell our beautiful home in Lucas and down size. Okay Greg made that decision and I at the time was not a happy camper. Greg’s thoughts were of the kids moving on. Heather was in College and Dallas was a Senior so we don’t need so much house and yard to care for. I went along a very unhappy wife. I loved my home, my art studio and my neighbors. We had made this house perfect so why in the world do you want to sell it. I’m a Christian and my faith tells me that God has a plan and he will put you where you are to be and we are not to question that. So I decided to walk in my faith to let God guide us, to except what we were doing. Trust me I didn’t go quietly at first it was months before I fully trusted my faith and the path we were taking. Well our house sold we moved into a rent house and life went on.
I just decided to work harder to involve myself in my art so much that I didn’t notice time passing or that my kids didn’t need me as much anymore. It didn’t work at all. I was still unhappy, still tired and still feeling empty.
I’m not sure when it happened but I just got tired of being sick and tired so I started to soul search and pray. Slowly things began to change I organized my week and planned ahead so things didn’t have to be rushed. I didn’t over commit myself I only took on what I knew I could get done with the hours I had in a day no more no less. I figured out that it was easier to plan ahead and not put out fires. I looked at every part of my life and tried to figure out how it could be better. I made a list of what I felt needed to be reworked: more faith, health and down time to be with family and friends. We bought a new house, I made a serious career move and started a new business all things I’ve wanted to do for years.
Slowly life has gotten better all around. I have time when I want it, my health is better and I cherish my family and friends so much more. It really was all about the organization of my life. Things were cluttered and disorganized in my head, heart and home. By no means am I perfect and my life is one moving train. I wake up every morning and hit the ground running very early and my head hits the pillow very late. I love being active, moving from one project to another. I don’t want to be settled ever! Life is what we give it or what we don’t give it. I’m not saying you have to be as busy as me or work out like a crazy person like me but give it all you have. Make a list – put on it the things you love and things you miss, but most of all put things on this list that make you feel fulfilled. Change things, organize things and fill your day with what makes you happy. No matter your age you only get this moment, this day, and this hour in your life. Being happy within this moment is the most important thing you can do for yourself, your family and friends and every stranger you meet. Be the Blue Happy in your life and those you see each day! Even on bad hair days bahahaha!