Cooper and Cherry Make Me Oh So Blue Happy!

July 20, 2015

In my house there are two fuzzy little buddies I dearly love.  One a little on the not so bright side and the other a cry baby diva.  Everyday I wake up early – if not on my own I wake up to Cooper my male shih tzu  pawing at my face wanting me to rub his tummy.  This is my morning routine, first I cuddle with Cooper for a few minutes then we both get up and get Cherry up.  Cherry (also a shih tzu) is still very young and she still sleeps in her kennel, besides we couldn’t let them be together at night because they would keep us up playing.  Cooper and Cherry are a highlight in my day I can’t imagine not having them.

Cooper was a gift to me 2 years ago when my husband knew we were very close to Frostie passing away.  If you read my blog about Living Life with a Best Friend it will tell you all about my Frostie. Greg’s thought was that by having Cooper it would help me grieve easier.  It did help in so many ways with my grieving process and I’m very grateful my husband gave him to me.


Blue Happy Living - cooper likes to shop Blue Happy Living - Cooper floatingCooper is a very special little guy in so many ways.  He loves me and I know it by the way he meets me at the bacTk door at the end of a long day with all his toys.  Its so cute and at the same time frustrating when I have to step all over his toys to get in the door.  Cooper loves my grandson. Ethan can play with him all day and Cooper never gets upset or tired.  They have been toddlers together, Ethan was 2 when we got Cooper.  A few months back I was home sick for a few days Cooper never left my side Greg had to make him go outside.  If he catches Greg taking a nap on the weekend he slowly climbs up on his legs and snuggles in.  When we get in the pool Cooper has his own float mat and that’s where he wants to be, floating with us. He also loves to go to Lowes and Home Depot, they love him there too.   Cooper had some learning issues and after talking to the Vet he said a friend for Cooper would be helpful.  So in comes Cherry!

Blue happy living - cherryFriends of ours were rehoming a sweet little shih tzu for someone in their family. When Greg found out he showed me her picture and I was sold on her sweet little face.  I picked her up a few days later and its been a love affair every day sense.  I know her name is very odd. “Cherry” how did we come up with that? Well our friends were Bruce and Cindy Cherry so we named her Cherry after them.  I’m so thankful for the gift Bruce and Cindy gave me.  Cherry has a very different personality than Cooper she is quite the little Diva.  Cooper is loud and always on the go.  Cherry is sweet and loving all the time to everyone.  Cooper and Cherry play so well together and sometimes get so loud at play that Greg has to shut his office door so the conference call cant hear them.  Cherry has this very sweet thing she does with me no matter where she is in the house I can say “Mamma” and she comes running, jumps into my arms and hugs my neck.

Blue happy living - dogs

My sweet little dogs are a lot of work! They are groomed once a month and have to be bathed in between that a few times.  They like treats and toys that cost money.  They go to a very nice vets office. We love Campbell Park Animal Hospital and when we go out of town we board them in the large suite at the vets.  I have so many people tease me and say “I want to come back in my second life to be your dog. Why do you spend so much time and money on those 2?”

I do because they make me happy.  A dogs love is unconditional and they aren’t moody or rude. When I ask them to do something or not do something they mind me.  They don’t care if I go to bed with dishes to do or laundry to fold they just want to cuddle at the end of the day.  Life is so short. WOW, now that is an over used saying but, it’s true.  It took me a long time to get to this place in life, a place of realizing that what makes us happy is what makes us who and what we are.  I removed those things and people that fog my life that make everyday a dread to wake up to.  So much prayer and tears to get to this person I am today.  My point to the blog today is find what makes you happy a dog, cat, hobby or someone and spend time with that.  No, my life is not all about Cooper and Cherry  I’m so much more than that but they are a big part of the smile on my face. When I turned 50 I promised myself that I would find and live in my own happy.  I’m living my blue happy everyday, are you?

More about LaTonya

    1. When we knew we would have to find a home for “Cherry”, I told Bruce that she could only go to a great home and that it would have to be approved by Bruce and myself. I had several people text me, but they were asking five million questions about her. I told Bruce that we are “giving” her away, not asking for $$. Well in came The McCormicks…no questions asked, they just wanted her. That’s the family she needs, and that was that. We couldn’t have felt better about Cherry’s new family. Thank you for loving her!!!

      1. I’m so glad you approved us we do love her. Only one problem I would love for her to wear pink bows on her ears but Cooper will just not have it. The groomer puts them in there every time and Cooper gets them out as soon as they get home. I put them back he takes them out and so on and so on. Lol I gave up!

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